We’re Going Live at CX25!
Attending CX25? Drop in for our live episodes in the Tech Hub! Can’t make it? We’re livestreaming each live show on LinkedIn!
Live Episode 1: Innovation ft. Bankers Helping Bankers (April 1, 12:30-1:00 PM)
Live Episode 2: Generational Trends ft. Jason Dorsey (April 1, 2:45-3:15 PM)
Live Episode 3: Fraud Trends and Prevention (April 2, 12:30-1:00 PM)
Live Episode 4: Digital Banking Trends (April 2, 2:30-3:00 PM)
Intro: Give the people what they want!
Saxon Prater (SP): Thanks everybody for tuning into Banking on Community. Normally we would have our regularly scheduled program, but in lieu of a regular March episode, we’ve actually got a surprise for you all. We are gonna be doing four live episodes at our upcoming conference, CX25, which takes place at the end of March through April 2nd.
Tara Schultz (TS): Yes, we’re super stoked about this. We have an incredible setup right in the expo hall there. We have topics ranging from digital banking, generational trends, fraud, as well as innovation. So, we’ll have Jason Dorsey from the Center for Generational Kinetics. We will have two of my friends from Bankers Helping Bankers, Matt Smith and Tanner Mayo. We also have experts lined up for digital and fraud.
Brett Glover (BG): Question for the Bankers Helping Bankers: are you gonna be in a cowboy hat?
TS: Obviously.
BG: It’s kind of expected when you have those guys on. Saxon, it needs to happen with you too. The people are asking for it. It needs to happen.
SP: Give people what they want. If they’re asking for it, I’m not opposed.
BG: Give the people what they want!
Folks, as Tara mentioned too, we’re gonna be right inside the Tech Hub, so we’d love for you to come interact with us. You can be a participant, you know, if you’re finding value out of the conversation we’re having – contribute. You’ll be able to ask a question with us and the presenter and participate in the dialogue.
So, we definitely look forward to doing these in person livestreaming and seeing everybody in Orlando. It’s coming. It’s right around the corner!
SP: For those of you that are at home that might not be able to attend, if you’re getting a little FOMO, don’t worry, we’re also gonna livestream it. Then of course we’re gonna have recordings after the fact.
So, we’re gonna put the information of where you can access those in the show notes. If you’re on site, we’re also gonna have that information in the app. So, you can see us then.
TS: And, if we aren’t interesting enough to capture your attention there in the expo hall, they did place us right across from the robot bartender. So that should help our chances to draw the crowd.
SP: I think he’s gonna steal the show. Although if it’s running during that time, it might actually help everybody to just, just be a little bit more relaxed, and a little bit more engaged.
TS: That’s right.
BG: You had me at “robot.”
I just can’t wait to see what it’s all about.
SP: So again, you can find the times when we’re gonna be recording in either the mobile app or in the show notes, or you can just catch this podcast when it goes up wherever you find your podcasts.
Thanks again for listening. We’ll see you then.
TS: Can’t wait to see you all in Orlando.
BG: See you soon.